I really love and appreciate people who are enthusiastic. It's such a great experience to hear someone talk about something that is so fascinating to them that their eyes light up and they just cannotsaywhattheyhavetosayfastenough. Phew.
This trend of 'apathy is cool' is depressing. There's nothing cool or interesting about being apathetic; it's the worst. But, wait, being depressed is like, in. Right?
[Disclaimer - I was never 'hip' in high school, or college, so what I consider to be 'in' may very well be 'out'. But that's just fine with me.]
Let me say this - it's AWESOME to be optimistic and excited and embarrassingly enthusiastic. The more embarrassing, the better, I always say.. [Which explains so much of my life....]
I won't go so far as to say I don't have moments, days, weeks even where I'm unbearably down about everything, times when life and lungs and boy troubles submerge me in a gigantic grumpy mood that I really struggle with. But the point is, I like being optimistic. And when I get back to that, to a point of enjoying life, is when I'm most content. And that's what I most enjoy surrounding myself with. Because there is SO MUCH GOOD in this world, and how can we only focus on the negative when the positive is beating us over our heads with every ray of sunshine and donut shop within driving distance?
With that said, I'll share a few photos in which I am unabashedly happy, which, in the grand scheme of things, is kind of what it's all about, right?

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