Sunday, January 31, 2010

An emptiness has settled over the house, filling our hearts to the brim. Last night, she squeezed my hands before putting her arms over my head, and, opening her eyes but not seeing me, she said, 'Let's go home.'

She's home.

Our family is walking around in a daze, waiting for her to come in and wake us up, to tell us to stop cleaning and yell at us for feeding the dogs generic dry food. My dad was sitting on the couch when he started to cry, and he said, simply, 'Now that the house is clean, I even miss her mess.'

We all miss her, that messy, stunning, selfless woman.
But, she's home.

1 comment:

  1. my sympathies.

    I know the feel all too well.

    my dad and I just finished grabbing the last few things from my grandmother's house this week and the sale of the house officially closed.
